The Division for Community Living provides links to other web sites
for your convenience. Links are arranged in alphabetical order.
The Division for Community Living is not responsible for the content of linked web pages, and does not endorse products or services that may be offered on the linked pages. Also, the privacy policies of these sites may differ from the privacy policy followed by the Division for Community Living. Please report incorrect or outdated links to Office for Aging Services front desk.
AccessVA provides a way for Virginians with disabilities to find an affordable, accessible place to live.
Administration for Community Living - increasing access to community supports, while focusing attention and resources on the unique needs of older Americans and people with disabilities.
Adult Protective Services (APS) - investigates reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults 60 years of age or older and incapacitated adults age 18 or older.
Age in Action Newsletter from VCU's Center on Aging.
Alzheimer's Association (Virginia Chapters) learn about programs and services available in your area, including support groups and educational workshops.
American Red Cross volunteers and staff work to deliver vital services - from providing relief and support to those in crisis, to helping you be prepared to respond in emergencies.
Better Business Bureau - helping people find businesses, brands and charities they can trust.
The disAbility Law Center of Virginia (dLCV) is the designated Protection and Advocacy organization of Virginia. Using funding received from federal grants, we help clients with disability-related problems like abuse, neglect, and discrimination.
Eldercare Locator Service - a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to services for older adults and their families. You can also reach us at 1-800-677-1116. provides health insurance for Americans age 65 and older who have worked and paid into the system through the payroll tax. It also provides health insurance to younger people with some disability status as determined by the Social Security Administration.
National Council on the Aging (NCOA) is a respected national leader and trusted partner to help people aged 60+ meet the challenges of aging. They partner with nonprofit organizations, government, and business to provide innovative community programs and services, online help, and advocacy.
No Wrong Door is a virtual system and statewide network of shared resources, designed to streamline access to long term services and supports - connecting individuals, providers and communities across the Commonwealth.
Office of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman advocate for older persons receiving long term care services, whether the care is provided in a nursing home or assisted living facility, or through community-based services to assist persons still living at home. They provide older Virginians, their families and the public with information, advocacy, and assistance to help resolve care problems.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) enhances and protects the health and well-being of all Americans. They fulfill that mission by providing for effective health and human services and fostering advances in medicine, public health, and social services.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides housing counseling to determine what kind of assistance or living arrangement you need; what your health insurance might cover; and what you can afford.
U.S. Social Security Administration has provided financial protection for our nation's people for over 80 years. Chances are, you either receive Social Security benefits or know someone who does. With retirement, disability, and survivors benefits, Social Security is one of the most successful anti-poverty programs in our nation's history.
Virginia Department of Emergency Management works with local government, state and federal agencies and voluntary organizations to provide resources and expertise through the five mission areas of emergency management.
Virginia Department of Health - The Mission of the Virginia Department of Health is to protect the health and promote the well-being of all people in Virginia. The agency’s vision statement is “Become the healthiest state in the nation.”
Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services
Virginia Department of Social Services fosters community collaboration by providing services and sponsoring various grants, funds, programs and initiatives throughout the Commonwealth.
Virginia EasyAccess website connects older adults, adults with disabilities, Veterans, and families to information about a wide range of public programs and supports in a way that is accessible and easy to navigate.
Virginia Health Information is a one-stop shop for information on Assisted Living Facilities, Continuing Care Retirement Communities, HMOs, Home Care Providers, Hospitals, Nursing Facilities, Physicians, and other providers.
Virginia Housing Development Authority is a not-for-profit organization, created by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Their mission is to help Virginians attain quality, affordable housing.
VirginiaNavigator provides helpful, free resource information associated with aging, disabilities, post-military life, and overall well-being.
Virginia Senior Alert provides a valuable tool for Virginia law enforcement agencies to help locate missing "senior adults", while allowing the broadcasters of Virginia an opportunity to contribute to the communities they serve.
Virginia Senior Medicare Patrol (Virginia SMP) help Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries avoid, detect, and prevent health care fraud. You can also visit: